Womb cleanse herbal capsules May help with abdominal pain,menstrual cramps,vaginal infections (fungal,bacterial,viral),liver cleanse,increases blood circulation to the uterus,Tonifies the uterus,helps with bladder and kidney infections,helps cleanse system of stagnant old blood,clears discharges and unpleasant odours,works as a womb cleanse for people who had an abortion ,miscarriages and fixes family planning side effects.
Ingridients A blend of organic powders from Lapacho, Echinacea, Olive leaf,Sarsaparilla, Oregano Golden seal, Neem,Astragalus, Garlic powder, Yellow dock, Olive leaf, Atractylodes.
Dosage Swallow 2 capsules a day before meals followed with lots of water. Caution. If pregnant or breastfeeding stay away from these herbal capsules.
For more info +27672550358. 30 Herbal capsules