Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: Balch CNC


A practical A-to-Z reference to drug-free remedies using vitamins, minerals, herbs & food supplements (Book)
By: Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
With more than five million copies sold, Prescription for Nutritional Healing is the nation’s number one-bestselling guide to holistic health. For ten years and more, people interested in alternative healing and prevenative therapies have relied on this invaluable reference as a guide to improve health through nutrition and supplementation, avoiding traditional drug therapies. Now, completely updated and more than one-third revised, this latest edition incorperates the most recent information on the benefits of vitamin and mineral supplements and herbal remedies, and their effects on hundreds of disoreders and diseases.
Part One lists and explains the various types of nutrients, food supplements, and herbs found in the health food and drug stores. Part Two describes more than 250 common disorders, from acne to yeast infection, arranged convieniently in alphabetical order, and identifies the supplements that can be used to combat the conditions. Part Three is a guide to alternative remedies and therapies that can be used in conjunction with a nutritional program. In addition, self-diagnosis tests throughout the book offer in-depth coverage of a wide variety of topics.

Availability: 1 in stock

With more than five million copies sold, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing” is the most trusted, comprehensive source on dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals and herbs. A pioneer in the field of nutritional healing, Phyllis Balch passionately and meticulously researched and compiled this groundbreaking book. Now a generation later, her message has more relevance than ever: consume fresh foods, avoid processed foods and those high in fat, and optimise your intake of essential nutrients with the right supplements. Today’s well-stocked vitamin and natural health stores can be confusing, and people need Balch’s clear, concise, landmark guide.

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