These herbal capsules are ideal for people with migraines,headaches.
Migraine is a disease of the Head.
The one sided headache is Migraine.
There is a sharp pain and it is often accompanied by Vomiting and Nausea.
Causes of Migraine
Poor Posture
Low Blood Sugar
Hormonal Problems
Poor Nutritious Diet
Prolonged use of computers
Problems with Menstruation
Bright lights and loud Noises
Food products like Chocolate, Caffeine, Mono sodium glutamate (MSG), Aged Cheese, Peanut butter and dairy products
Migraine is a critical form of Headache. It causes throbbing pain in one side of the head and is commonly known as one sided Headache. Migraine affects nearly 14.7% of world’s population. It is considered 19th most common reason for disability and is also responsible for 1.4% of life years lost to disability. It may affect a person at any age. It is found to be more prominent in women, than men. The ratio of its occurrence in women as compared to men is 3:1. It is a result of blood vessel enlargement and release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around these blood vessels. What triggers these changes in blood vessels and nerve fibers is not known. However, it is believed to be a result of certain Genetical and Environmental factors. Genetics make you more susceptible in developing Migraine as a result of certain triggers. These triggers can be hormonal, physical, emotional, dietary, environmental or medicinal factors. Migraine can run within families. In more than 70 percent cases Migraine is inherited. A child having both parents suffering from Migraine has 90 percent chances of developing with Migraine. Several forms of Migraine exist, most common being with and without aura. Common Migraine types are given below.
Migraine with Aura or formally known as Classic Migraine generally affects the vision. Its symptoms occur 5 to 30 minutes before a Migraine Headache. Commonly experienced symptoms are blurred vision, loss of vision, zigzag lines, flashy lights, cloudy vision.
Migraine without Aura or formally known as Common Migraine. It is so prevalent that it alone accounts for 70 to 80 percent of all Migraine types. It may be accompanied by Nausea, Vomiting, Irritability, light or sound sensitivity.
Ophthalmic Migraine is a rare form of Migraine. It disturbs the vision causing temporary blind spots or blindness.
Ophthalmoplegic Migraine generally affects young adults and children. It causes double vision and severe pain behind the eyes.
Abdominal Migraine typically affects Children. Its symptoms may last from 1 hour to 3days and may cause Vomiting, Nausea and Flushing.
Chronic Migraine causes repetitive and ongoing episodes of Headache. A person suffering for Chronic Migraine will experience Headache for 15 or more days in the month. This situation may last for 3 consecutive months.
Basilar Migraine generally affects adolescent girls or young women. Its symptoms include Dizziness, Vertigo, Nausea, Vomiting, Ataxia, tinnitus, decreased hearing and loss of consciousness.
Migraine has a complex and wide variety of symptoms. Its symptoms may vary from an individual to individual. A person may also experience different symptoms at different times of Migraine attack. Its most common symptoms include Vomiting, Nausea, blurred vision, flashes of light, blind spots, Aura and increased sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attack may vary in duration and frequency. Migraine attack usually last from 4 to 72 hours. It can have a severe impact on your work, social and family life. Its symptoms can be minimized with slight modifications to your lifestyle. Following things may be beneficial to you :
Oversleep and lack of sleep both can trigger Migraine attack. Maintain a balance between your sleep wake cycle.
Stress is believed to initiate the Migraine attack. Meditation may also be helpful in reducing Stress levels.
Flashy lights and loud noises are common triggers of Migraine attack, avoid them.
Hunger can trigger Migraine attack, Eat healthy food at regular intervals.
Muscle stretching or a 30 minute of moderate level exercise may be helpful to you.
Yoga and deep breathing may be beneficial.
Acupuncture may help in reducing Migraine Headache.
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