Gillian Mckeith’s Health Food Bible: The Complete A-z Guide To A Healthy Life


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It’s now proven beyond all doubt that eating more leafy green vegetables helps to prevent cancer, that many of the obese children of today will die before their parents, that good nutrition is the very best aid through the menopause and can even help to ward off Alzheimer’s disease . . . and simply having bags more energy and vitality is a tremendous benefit in itself, considering the stresses of modern life. This book brings together for the first time Gillian’s life’s work and offers the very best information on how food affects your health, well-being, ageing, ability to fight disease and quality of life. It is innovative in its design and extremely user-friendly with a comprehensive A-Z section on all the common illnesses and diseases – a must-have book for anyone who cares about their health.

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Dr Gillian McKeith (PhD) is the internationally acclaimed nutritionist. She helps clientele from all walks of life using nutritional evaluation and food energetics. Gillian was the presenter of You Are What You Eat, the hit Celador primetime television programme for Channel Four in Britain.
McKeith is the author of the bestselling book based on the series, with over 1.7 million copies sold. She is also author of other books on diet.
In the UK,she presented ‘Feel Fabulous Forever’ for This Morning on ITV. And her US radio show, Healthline Across America had a loyal following. She has written for a number of publications, including health journals and popular consumer magazines.
Gillian graduated from the University of Edinburgh and received her Masters degree from the Ivy-League University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. After a severe bout of personal ill-health and recovery through nutritional medicine, she embarked upon a new path and changed her life. She then spent several years re-training for a Masters and Doctorate (PhD) in Holistic Nutrition from the American Holistic College of Nutrition (USA). She holds Certificates from the London School of Acupuncture and the Kailash Centre of Oriental Medicine. She is currently studying with The Australasian College of Health Sciences, USA. She is a postgraduate member of The Centre For Nutrition Education, England, and is a member of several health organisations in the UK and USA.
Raised in Scotland, Gillian now travels extensively giving lectures and seminars to packed audiences. Her lifelong mission is to share her information, improve people’s lives and make the world a healthier place.
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