Fibroids Herbal Tea.
Benefits Cleanses,relaxes ,strengthens and tones the uterus .
Promotes normal menstrual flow.
Rids uterus of inflammation(fibroids,polyps,
Clears blood stagnation in the uterus.
Regulates menstrual cycle. Fixes abnormal uterine bleeding.
Helps fight uterine infections.
May inhibit tumour growth.
Balance oestrogen.
Cleanses liver and kidney.
Eases abdominal cramping,menstrual cramps,bloating,constipation,
Dosage One teabag can be added to a litre of hot boiled water ,let it simmer and drink through the day. Works best with yoni steaming,castor oil therapy and a great diet to help shrink fibroids.
Alkalising the body is a must. For information regarding diet ,kindly Whatsap +27732855636.
Ingredients Vitex,Pau D Arco,Golden deal,Wild Yam,Green tea,Shepherds purse,Burdock,Dandelion leaf and root,Milk thistle,Kelp,Yellow dock
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