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  • May help to detoxify the liver naturally
  • Aids in reducing pain & inflammation
  • Can be used to treat arthritis, chronic joint (arms, legs. back pain) and muscle pain
  • Can be used to treat constipation
  • Supports digestive, uterine & ovarian health
  • Helps soothe sunburns, insect bites & allergic rashes
  • May help to enhance circulation & lymphatic flow
  • Assists in reducing stress & improving relaxation
  • Easy to use, reusable & mess free
  • Pack has straps so can be adjusted according to need
  • Locally made


  • Can be used as a hot or cold pack.
  • Can be worn as frequently as possible – every day or every alternative day.
  • Place the pack under the right ribcage – this area covers many digestive organs, including the stomach, pancreas, small intestine, adrenals and kidneys.
  • After use, the skin can be cleansed by dusting Bicarbonate of Soda onto the area and then rinsing in a shower.
  • Store the pack in a glass container in the freezer or refrigerator for future use.

As a Hot Pack:

  • Prepare a comfortable area to lie down with old towels, as Castor Oil can stain.
  • Prepare a hot water bottle or heat pack.
  • Pour 2 x tablespoons onto the fleece side of the pack. The pack should be saturated but not dripping.
  • Apply the pack to the body and tie it to keep it in place.
  • Apply the hot water bottle on top of the pack. The pack and heat source should remain in place for 60 minutes.

As a Cold Pack:

  • Wear old, baggy clothes if wearing a cold pack, as Castor Oil can stain.
  • Pour 2 x tablespoons of Castor Oil onto the fleece side of the pack.
  • Apply the pack to the body and tie it to keep it in place.
  • The pack should remain in place for 60 minutes or overnight to enhance the benefits.


  • Avoid using if pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Do not heat the Castor Oil pack in the microwave.
  • Do not use the Castor Oil pack on a recent injury or on open or irritated skin.

Care Instructions:

  • Wash with water and Bicarbonate of Soda before first use.
  • To clean your pack after use, soak the pack overnight in a bowl with a mixture of hot water, Bicarbonate of Soda and natural soap such as castile soap.
  • The next morning, wash the pack and wring out the excess water.
  • Take an old towel and lay the Castor Oil pack against the towel, rolling the pack up while blotting out any remaining oil residue.
  • Lastly, hang the Castor Oil pack out to dry.
  • Store the Castor Oil pack in a glass container after first use.
  • Once you feel the Castor Oil pack or material is no longer functional, replace it with another.


Castor Oil Pack –

Waist Wrap x1

Castor oil (Organic and Hexane free) 250mls x1


  • Waist Wrap – This includes one castor oil waist wrap. (Oil 500mls
  • Included)
  • Zipper Pouch – This castor oil pack wrap has a pouch designed to store a heat/cold pad to accelerate the absorption or relieve pain if necessary.
  • Comfortable to Wear – Castor oil pack wrap is made of DE velvet fabric on inner layer while out layer is made of polyester to prevent oil leaking when you use it. And you can adjust elastic straps according to your waistline.
  • How to Use – Wash ONCE   before use. Apply castor oil evenly to the middle of the castor oil wrap, then adjust to comfortable angle and tie it to your body and secure it in place, and wear it well for about 1 hour. Do not use castor oil packs when you are pregnant.


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